Ndị na-achọpụta ọrịa
Nchọpụta Ngwakọta Feline Diarrhea(7-10 ihe)
Ngwa nje virus nke Canine Distemper Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CDV Ag)
Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(HP Ag)
Feline Parvovirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FPV Ab)
Canine N-terminal Pro-ụbụrụ Natriuretic Peptide Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cNT-proBNP)
Canine/Feline CystatinC Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CysC)
Feline leukemia virus Antigen (FeLV Ag) & Feline immunodeficiency Virus Ab(FIV Ab)Ngwa ule
Achọpụtara traktị iku ume nke ahịhịa(ihe 4)
Nchọpụta Ejikọtara Ọrịa Ọrịa Canine(7-10 ihe)
Nchọpụta Ngwakọta Antibodies Canine(4-7 ihe)
Ngwakọta ihe nrịbama ahụike Canine(5-6 ihe)
Ihe nrịbama ahụike Feline jikọtara ọnụ(5-6 ihe)
Ngwa ngwa nke Progesterone Canine (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cProg)
Feline N-terminal Pro-ụbụrụ Natriuretic Peptide Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(fNT-proBNP)
Cholyglycine Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CG)
Ngwakọta Feline Total lgE Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(fTlgE)
Ngụkọta Canine Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cTlgE)
Ngwakọta mkpokọta tyroxine quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(fTT4)
Ngụkọta mkpokọta mkpụrụ osisi Thyroxine Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cTT4)
Canine Cortisol Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cCor)
Ngwa Feline Pancrelipase Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(fPL)
Ngwa ngwa Canine Pancrelipase (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cPL)
Feline Serum Amyloid A Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(fSAA)
Ngwunye Quantitative nke Canine C-Reactive (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cCRP)
Nje Virus ịba ọcha n'anya nke Canine na-efe efe / Canine Parvovirus / Canine Distemper Virus Antibody Immunochromatography Kit(ICHV/CPV/CDV Ab)
Canine Ehrlichiosis/Anaplasmosis/Ọrịa Lyme Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cEHR/ANA/LYM Ab)
Feline Parvovirus/Feline Calicivirus/Feline Herpesvirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FPV/FCV/FHV Ab)
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FIV Ab)
Ngwa Feline Herpesvirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FHV Ab)
Ngwa Feline Calicivirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FCV Ab)
Ngwa Feline Coronavirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FCoV Ab)
Canine Parvovirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CPV Ab)
Nje Virus Canine Distemper Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CDV Ab)
Canine Parvovirus/Karịa Coronavirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CPV/CCV Ag)
Giardia Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(GIA Ag)
Feline Parvovirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FPV Ag)
Feline Herpesvirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FHV Ag)
Feline Leukemia Nje Virus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FeLV Ag)
Ngwa Feline Calicivirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FCV Ag)
Ngwa Feline Coronavirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(FCoV Ag)
Canine Parvovirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CPV Ag)
Canine Heartworm Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CHW)
Canine Coronavirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(CCV Ag)

Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Isiokwu ọmụmụ | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ụdị ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa |
Nchọpụta Ejikọtara Feline Diarrhea (ihe 7-10) | Nyochaa ọrịa na-efe efe | Ọnụ ego nke FPV AG | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke eriri afọ nke feline parvovirus kpatara | NTIMM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe |
Escherichia coli O157∶H7 Ag(EO157:H7) | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke E. coli O157∶H7 kpatara | |||||
Campylobacter jejuni Ag (CJ) | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Campylobacter jejuni kpatara | |||||
Salmonella typhimurium Ag (ST) | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Salmonella typhimurium kpatara | |||||
GIA Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Giardia kpatara | |||||
HP Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Helicobacter pylori kpatara | |||||
Ụlọ ọrụ FCOV AG | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke feline coronavirus kpatara | |||||
Ọnụ ego nke FRV Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke feline rotavirus kpatara |
Canine Distemper Nje Virus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CDV Ag)
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | Nkọwapụta | Ebe nchekwa |
CDV Ag | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke akụkụ iku ume nke nje virus canine distemper kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (HP Ag)
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | Nkọwapụta | Ebe nchekwa |
HP Ag | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Helicobacter pylori kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Parvovirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FPV Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Ngwa Clinical | Ngwa ngwa | Usoro | Nkọwapụta | Ebe nchekwa |
FPV AB | Ọgwụ nje | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi nke ọgwụ mgbochi feline parvovirus na nchọpụta enyemaka nke ọrịa | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine N-terminal Pro-ụbụrụ Natriuretic Peptide Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cNT-proBNP)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
cNT-proBNP | Ihe nrịbama ahụike | Ihe nrịbama nke nkụchi obi na nkịta | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine/Feline CystatinC Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CysC)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
CysC | Ihe nrịbama ahụike | Ndị na-egosi mmerụ ahụ gbasara akụrụ na-adịghị ala ala na nkịta na nwamba | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Musoro ọmụmụ | Nkọwapụta | Mmmetụta uche |
FeLV Ag/FIV Ab | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa leukemia feline kpatara site na nje leukemia feline/Nchọpụta ọrịa na-adịghị ahụkebe nke nje virus feline Immunodeficiency kpatara. | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Isiokwu ọmụmụ | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ụdị ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa |
Nchọpụta jikọtara traktị iku ume nke canine (ihe 4) | Nyochaa ọrịa na-efe efe | Flu A Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke akụkụ iku ume nke nje influenza canine kpatara | NTIMM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe |
CDV Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke akụkụ iku ume nke nje virus canine distemper kpatara | |||||
CAV-2 Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke akụkụ iku ume nke ụdị adenovirus ụdị 2 kpatara | |||||
Ụlọ ọrụ CPIV AG | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke akụkụ iku ume nke nje parainfluenza canine kpatara |
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Isiokwu ọmụmụ | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ụdị ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa |
Nchọpụta ejikọtara afọ ọsịsa Canine (ihe 7-10) | Nyochaa ọrịa na-efe efe | Ọnụ ego nke CPV Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke eriri afọ nke canine parvovirus kpatara | NTIMM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe |
Ụlọ ọrụ CCV AG | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke canine coronavirus kpatara | |||||
HP Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Helicobacter pylori kpatara | |||||
GIA Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Giardia kpatara | |||||
Escherichia coli O157∶H7 Ag(EO157:H7) | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke E. coliO157∶H7 kpatara | |||||
Campylobacter jejuni Ag (CJ) | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Campylobacter jejuni kpatara | |||||
Salmonella typhimurium Ag (ST) | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Salmonella typhimurium kpatara | |||||
Ọnụ ego nke CRV Ag | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Rotavirus kpatara |
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Isiokwu ọmụmụ | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ụdị ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa |
Nchọpụta Ngwakọta Antibodies Canine (ihe 4-7) | Ntụle irè ọgwụ mgbochi ọrịa | Ụlọ ọrụ CPV AB | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi na ọgwụ mgbochi canine parvovirus; Nkwenye nke ọrịa CPV | NTIMM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe |
CDV Ab | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi ọrịa na ọgwụ mgbochi nje virus canine distemper, yana nleba anya mgbe ọrịa gasịrị | |||||
CAV AB | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi na ọgwụ mgbochi Canine adenovirus; Nkwenye nke ọrịa CAV | |||||
CPIV AB | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi ọrịa na ọgwụ mgbochi parainfluenza canine;Nkwenye nke ọrịa CPIV | |||||
Leptospira Ab | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi ọrịa na ọgwụ mgbochi leptospirosis canine | |||||
Ụlọ ọrụ CCV AB | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi ọrịa ọgwụ mgbochi Canine Coronavirus. |
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Isiokwu ọmụmụ | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ụdị ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa |
Ngwakọta ihe nrịbama ahụike Canine (ihe 5-6) | Nyocha anụ ahụ | cPL | Nchọpụta nke nnukwu pancreatitis na-adịghị ala ala na nkịta | NTIMM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe |
cNT-proBNP | Ihe nrịbama nke nkụchi obi na nkịta | |||||
CG | mmerụ ahụ ọrụ imeju na cholestasis index | |||||
CysC | Ihe ngosi nke nnukwu mmerụ ahụ gbasara gbasara akụrụ na nkịta | |||||
cTlgE | Nyocha mbụ nke ọrịa nfụkasị na nkịta |
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Isiokwu ọmụmụ | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ụdị ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa |
Ihe nrịbama Feline Health jikọtara ọnụ (ihe 5-6) | Nyocha anụ ahụ | fPL | Nchọpụta nke nnukwu pancreatitis na-adịghị ala ala na nwamba | NTIMM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe |
FNT-proBNP | Ihe nrịbama nke nkụchi obi na nwamba | |||||
CG | Ihe ngosi nke mmebi imeju na cholestasis | |||||
CysC | Ihe ngosi nke nnukwu mmerụ ahụ gbasara akụrụ na nwamba | |||||
fTlgE | Nyocha mbụ nke ọrịa nfụkasị na nwamba |
Ngwa ngwa nke Progesterone Canine (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cProg)
Aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
cProg | Nzuzu | Ndụmọdụ gbasara mmụta sayensị Canine | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline N-terminal Pro-ụbụrụ Natriuretic Peptide Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (fNT-proBNP)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
FNT-proBNP | Ihe nrịbama ahụike | Ihe nrịbama nke nkụchi obi na nwamba | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Cholyglycine Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CG)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
CG | Ihe nrịbama ahụike | Ihe ngosi nke mmebi imeju na cholestasis | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Ngwakọta Feline Total lgE Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (fTIgE)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
fTlgE | Allergen | Nyocha mbụ nke ọrịa nfụkasị na nwamba | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Mkpokọta Canine ngụkọta lgE Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cTIgE)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
cTlgE | Allergen | Nyocha mbụ nke ọrịa nfụkasị na nkịta | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Total Thyroxine Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (fTT4)
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | Nkọwapụta | Ebe nchekwa |
fTT4 | Endocrine | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke thyroid hormone na-adịghị mma na nwamba kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Ngwakọta ọnụ ọgụgụ nke canine Total Thyroxine Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cTT4)
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | Nkọwapụta | Ebe nchekwa |
cTT4 | Endocrine | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke thyroid hormone na-adịghị mma na nkịta kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cTSH)
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | Nkọwapụta | Ebe nchekwa |
cTSH | Endocrine | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke thyroid hormone na-adịghị mma na nkịta kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine Cortisol Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cCor)
Aha ngwaahịa | Ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
cKọr | Endocrine | Nchọpụta ọrịa endocrine kpatara site na corticosteroids na-adịghị mma na nkịta | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Pancrelipase Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (fPL)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
fPL | Mbufụt | Nchọpụta nke nnukwu pancreatitis na-adịghị ala ala na nwamba | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine Pancrelipase Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cPL)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
cPL | Mbufụt | Nchọpụta nke nnukwu pancreatitis na-adịghị ala ala na nkịta | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Serum Amyloid A Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (fSAA)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
fSAA | Mbufụt | Ndị na-egosi mbufụt sistemu | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine C-Reactive Protein Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cCRP)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
cCRP | Mbufụt | Na-egosi mbufụt sistemu | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Ọrịa ịba ọcha n'anya nke Canine / Canine Parvovirus / Canine Distemper Virus Antibody Immunochromatography Kit (ICHV/CPV/CDV Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
ICHV/CPV/CDV Ab | Ọgwụ nje | Nyocha nke mmetụta nke Canine Hepatitis Virus / Canine Parvovirus / Canine Distemper Virus mgbe ịgba ọgwụ mgbochi ọrịa gasịrị. | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine Ehrlichiosis/Anaplasmosis/Lyme Disease Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals)(cEHR/ANA/LYM Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
cEhr/Ana/Lym Ab | Ọgwụ nje | Lelee ihe mgbaàmà nke anaemia nke Ehrlichiosis/Anaplasmosis/ọrịa Lyme kpatara mgbe a tachara akọrọ. | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Parvovirus/Feline Calicivirus/Feline Herpesvirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FPV/FCV/FHV Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
FPV/FCV/FHV Ab | Ọgwụ nje | Nyocha nke irè ọgwụ mgbochi feline parvovirus/feline herpes/feline calicivirus | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FIV Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
FIV Ab | Ọgwụ nje | Nchọpụta ọrịa na-adịghị ahụkebe nke nje virus feline Immunodeficiency kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Herpesvirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FHV Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
FHV AB | Ọgwụ nje | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi nke ọgwụ mgbochi nje virus feline na nchọpụta inyeaka nke ọrịa | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Calicivirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FCV Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
FCV Ab | Ọgwụ nje | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi nke ọgwụ mgbochi feline calicivirus na nchọpụta inyeaka nke ọrịa | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine Parvovirus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CPV Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
Ụlọ ọrụ CPV AB | Ọgwụ nje | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi na ọgwụ mgbochi canine parvovirus; Nkwenye nke ọrịa CPV | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine Distemper Virus Antibody Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CDV Ab)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
CDV Ab | Ọgwụ nje | Nyochaa mmetụta mgbochi ọrịa na ọgwụ mgbochi nje virus canine distemper, yana nleba anya mgbe ọrịa gasịrị | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Giardia Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (GIA Ag)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
GIA Ag | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa eriri afọ nke Giardia kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Parvovirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FPV Ag)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
Ọnụ ego nke FPV AG | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke eriri afọ nke feline parvovirus kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Herpesvirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FHV Ag)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
FHV Ag | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke akụkụ iku ume nke nje virus feline herpes kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Feline Leukemia Nje Virus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FeLV Ag)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
Ụlọ ọrụ FELV AG | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa leukemia feline kpatara site na nje leukemia feline | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Ngwa Feline Calicivirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (FCV Ag)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
Ụgwọ nke ụlọ ọrụ FCV Ag | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke akụkụ iku ume nke feline calicivirus kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence Immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine Parvovirus Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CPV Ag)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
Ọnụ ego nke CPV Ag | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa nke eriri afọ nke canine parvovirus kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |
Canine Heartworm Antigen Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (CHW)
aha ngwaahịa | ụdị | Ngwa ụlọ ọgwụ | Ngwa ọdabara | Usoro | nkọwa | Ebe nchekwa |
CHW | Antigens | Nchọpụta ọrịa obi nke obi worm na nkịta kpatara | H2/NTIM4 | Obere ụwa nanocrystalline fluorescence immunochromatography | 10 ule/igbe | 2 ~ 40 ℃ |